Dating in the 21st Century
Setting free your inner alpha male in a brave new world.
“There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled, there is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don’t you?” by Rumi Persian philosopher.
So there you are at a wedding, you been single for a few months and you’ve heard a rumor that weddings are a great place to meet quality single women. Congratulations, that’s actually true.Your recently divorced and well on your way escaping from being fat, trapped and lonely. Chances are better than average that you have been “acting” like a beta male you may not know is much as you would like to know about women. How to attract them, understand them, what they want, how to tell they’re attracted to you?
You will learn all this in the following discussion. This is information that the typical 3 to 5% alpha male who grew up in a happy home knows instinctively. Alpha males are rarer today because those Father Knows Best type households are rarer today. And you don’t want to go trying to get advice from alpha males directly being a man is just part of who he is and he would have a difficult time articulating it to you.
Asking women is no help either. Ladies have two issues, first being emotional beings they don’t want to hurt your feelings and so they will give you useless answers to how the laws of attraction and dating work, and the second issue is they often don’t understand what they’re attracted to themselves. (By the way, it’s a bad idea to go tell women that they don’t know what they’re attracted to, unless you want to piss them off. Much better to just ask them to describe what they are looking for in a man and then have them describe their last two real boyfriends. The differences between want versus actually choose are amazing.) The facts are that what women say they are attracted to is very often not what they say they want in a man.
So where is this ‘the real deal’ information I’m going to share with you coming from? I found a number of books written by people who have gone about figuring this information out. Some through social observation and trial and error, some as part of their practice, some have even used a laboratory in determining the efficacy of this information. The information in these books has been combined along with interviews with psychologists even information from a flirtologist.
Please note anything that falls into the category of what you might call game, that is sold on the Internet, for the purpose of bedding women quickly, with no intentions of developing relationships with them, were excluded. Rather the information included here is how to act as an authentic man, in his masculine, so that you are attractive to authentic woman in her feminine.)
Getting back to the wedding. You scanned the room and you notice a couple of women that catch your eye. You noticed because they’re looking at you. But are they interested in? The ones that are available (not necessarily single) and think you’re someone they would like to talk to, will signal you. They will glance at you repeatedly then look away. They may smile at you, or smile back at you if you smile at them. They may add tossing their hair, fidgeting with jewelry, stroking stemware or eyeglass. Now this doesn’t mean it’s on like Donkey Kong, just that you’re a possible match and she would like it if you would come over and say, “Hi”.
If there is no attraction or if she is not available, she will not make eye contact, like you’re not even there, or if she does look accidentally, she will quickly look away and continue talking with her friends. If she keeps looking at you but looks away every time you make eye contact she may just be shy. If you’re not really sure if it is you that she is giving the ‘come hither to’ glances, then relocate yourself and check again. Unless you’re being followed around the room by stranger, it’s you.
Now let’s approach the lady. As you approach, is she watching, is she smiling, is she facing toward you, does she stop her conversation with her friends? These are all good signs. Don’t be upset if the signs are not there. It could mean that she is just shy or even that she is not ready even though she’s sending out signals that she is. When you get to her don’t introduce yourself. Say hello and ask her name. Then your job is to have a positive, short conversation with her that allows you to decide if she’s interested in you and if you’re interested in her. If you’re not mutually interested in each other, you will be moving on to someone else. If you are both interested then your job is getting her number, setting a date, or starting the date right now…one of those three action steps.
Most guys are terrified about small talk, but don’t be. Once you understand women and what you’re actually doing when you speak to them, you will find it fun and easy and natural. You will also start doing it with all the women that you meet, rather than just one’s or interested in. Men are fascinated by women and that is truly all you need to be in order to guide yourself on what to say. It’s also all you need to guide the conversation. You want to find out all you can about this interesting lady who for some reason, that she probably doesn’t even know herself, is interested in you. This means you’re going to do about 20% of the talking. Mostly you’re going to be asking questions, commenting on what you think is really cool and sharing only positive information about yourself. Being funny in some of your answers will build attraction. But you should at first avoid sexual innuendo as it tends to flop or backfire. Remember it’s not a job interview so don’t let the conversation feel that way, let the conversation go naturally where it leads in a positive way. For example, if you ask her what she does for a living and she’s a teacher, ask her how she came to be one and what she loves about it? If she shares with you that she hates teaching, don’t keep questioning her about teaching. If you keep dwelling on a topic that is an unhappy area of her life, then that will become her overall impression of your conversation and you. Negative talk reduces attraction. Change the subject and ask her what she would really like to be doing. Be fun and a little bit playful. Ask about what she likes to do for fun. Ask her about her friends and what they are like. When her face lights up on a topic spend time on it and go deeper. It is okay to tease her every once in a while, like she is a bratty little sister who you love, but only very occasionally. If you tease her too much, she will think you’re a bully, rather than cute. When she presses you for information, do tell her but make sure it’s brief, positive, true and it would be best if it is also funny. Women are very attracted to men who make them laugh.
Women are also attracted to mysterious man and love to dig and discover new things when talking to you. Saying, “I turn young adults into proud Texas citizens” instead of, “I teach seventh grade Texas history” will be much more interesting for her. It makes you a little mysterious so she will have to dig a little. Women love a mystery and if they find you attractive they will continue asking follow-up questions to get more personal information. If they don’t continue asking questions, its shows in low level of attraction.
If you go on and on about any subject will hurt attraction. This is especially true if you talk about something negative. As an example, she says, “do you have a girlfriend?” or “how many women are dating?” or “how many dates have you been on since your divorce?” Be careful. Women are more attracted to men who have options with other women. Their attraction will go down you say something along the lines of; it’s your first date since your divorce a year ago. She will become less attracted to you if she thinks that you’re desperate or if she thinks your player. Either one’s a bad thing. A good answer for this type of question would be to use humor. Think to yourself, “What would James Bond say?” After he is the ultimate alpha male. Perhaps you might say something like, “There’s always room for one more.” Or if you don’t want to be quite so flippant, “I’m just dating and having fun…besides I don’t kiss and tell.”
All right, so you bantered for 5 to 10 minutes and in your mind you have to make a decision. Are you both interested or not. If she’s not interested or you’re not interested in her end the conversation with, “It was really nice talking with you, I’ve got to get back to my friends, you have a great evening.” Now go talk to some other people. If she is not interested, it is good news because you don’t want to waste your time or money on her. If she’s not interested now, she won’t ever be interested. If she is a user or has low self-esteem she might let you talk her into date and a free meal or free drinks for the rest of the night, even though she has little or no interest in you. But that’s not the kind of girl you’re looking for. If you know what to look for during your conversation she will give you pretty clear verbal and physical signals that her answer is, “Yes, I like you.”, as opposed to, “No, you’re not really my type.”
Let’s start off with signals that mean yes. After you asked her what her name is, she asks you what yours is (if she doesn’t care… She won’t ask), she faces her body (or her feet) toward you while you talk, she leans toward you, and she accidentally brushes parts of her body against you (like arm, leg, breast, hand or foot). She touches your arm or hand with hers. If you ask an open-ended question she gives you complete answers not short terse ones. As an example you ask, “Where did you grow up?” After she answers, “Orlando”. You follow up with an open ended questions like, “What was it like living there?” She might answer in one of these two ways, “fine” versus “I loved it, my brothers and sisters had a season pass to Disney World and my mom would drop us off every weekend during the summer…” The longer, sharing answer indicates interest while “fine” indicates she doesn’t want this conversation to continue, but is trying not to be rude.
As the conversation continues with you only doing 20% of the talking, she will realize that you’re kind of a mystery, unlike the other guys who go on and on about themselves and come off as arrogant and boring, your quite a turn on. You’re mysterious and confident, she will try to ask more about you. In other words she loves that you are genuinely interested in her, that you’re listening to her, she’s a little concerned she might be hogging the conversation and she wants to know more about you too.
If all the signs are good and you’re interested in her and she’s clearly interested, then it’s time for the acid test which will show you how good you’ve been reading her signals. You’re going to end the conversation and ask her for her telephone number. As you get more experienced you may choose to begin the date right then or ask her out right then rather than just get a number.
Something like this, “Julie, it’s been great talking with you but I need to get back to my friend Mark, but I’d love to talk to you again, let me have your phone number.” It’s also not a bad idea to lightly touch her arm, wrist or hand briefly while you’re saying it, but remember to move your hand away immediately once you’re done asking. Then you won’t come off at all threatening.
Now shut up and pay attention to what she says and does. If she takes out a piece of paper and writes down her number down, she has a high level of attraction to you. You can also enter her name in your phone, hand it to her and let her enter the number. If she gives you her work number, email, home and tells you the best way to reach her, then she is really into you. This level of attraction is fairly unusual.
If she hesitates, but eventually gives it to you, you might be okay. But don’t be surprised if she ghosts you (disappears and does not respond to your calls). If you run into difficulties getting her phone number and have to talk her into it, your chances drop further to below fifty percent. If she says, “Give me your business card” or “I don’t give my number out” or offers a weird excuse. Some examples of weird excuses, “I don’t quite know where I’m going to be at my life right now” or “I’m not ready today.” This all translates as, “I don’t want you to get mad; but NO!” Whatever she says, if she doesn’t give you her number, she doesn’t want you to call her. It just doesn’t happen to be a match.
If it’s a ‘no’ you end the conversation quickly with, “You ladies have a great evening” and move on. Signs that it she is not interested are pretty much the opposite of a yes. She avoids eye contact, doesn’t smile, doesn’t face toward you, may even position herself as if she wants to run away, while you’re talking to her, she looks past you or over you at other people with that save me from this guy look, she doesn’t ask your name after you asked hers, she doesn’t ask you any personal questions, all her answers are short and terse, she maintains space between you, doesn’t touch you, won’t give you her number or asks for your business card, which she will probably throw in the trash.
Attraction is a combination of nature and nurture. Understand that you have no control over the nature part. If your pheromones don’t attract her and hers don’t attract you, it’s good to find out quickly. It’s why most women think that their brother stinks and yet his girlfriend thinks he smells great. You also can’t change that women are attracted to men with faces that are symmetrical, this is a useless scientific fact that again you can do nothing about.
What you can control is how you are perceived. Women can be attracted or repelled by your image, and that you can control. But what image are women really attracted to? What women are looking for most in a man is trustworthiness. Trustworthiness means you are who you say you are and you will do what you say you are going to do, period. Also the way women experience fear is much different than the way men do, so if they get the impression they would be safe and protected with you, their level of attraction goes up. If they get the impression you could not protect them there attraction will fall off. So how are you project this image of trustworthy protector? You need to become familiar with your inner alpha male.
We’ve all seen the captain of the football team who everyone wants to be a friends with, but what does he actually do and how does he act? Alphas take up more space. They lean back not forward, they spread out in their chair, throwing arm over the chair back, make eye contact and smile at many people. Alphas treat all women the same, they pay attention to the supermodel the same way they pay attention to the friend or mother in law. They make physical contact with their male friends, think of the bro hug, back slap or arm over your buddies shoulder. They talk in the lower register, the one that vibrates your rostrum the most and projects your voice. When they look at a woman and make eye contact they smile and let the woman break eye contact first. They take action and approach a woman as soon as they realize she is giving them the ‘come talk to me’ signals. These alpha behaviors let her know that he could protect her and her children. The fact that she neither wants children nor has children is irrelevant, her attraction to alpha male characteristics is in her DNA.
Now let’s look at beta male characteristics or things not to do. Beta males cross their arms and legs and hold on to their opposite shoulder with their arm. The hold their drinks in front of them, from waist to chest high, so there’s a drink between them and whoever they’re talking to. An alpha male simply holds his drink to the side. Betas take up less space, lean forward, hunch their backs, tap their fingers, bounce their restless legs and fidget. Beta behavior becomes even more pronounced when talking to beautiful women. Betas speak in a high voice and too quickly, may not be able to maintain eye contact, spend most of the conversation time talking about themselves, using pickup lines or multiple jokes to try and convince women they are worthy of their time. Most men are really alpha males inside but they have taken on a mask of a beta because of the way they were raised and the way modern society has portrayed men recently. Although that beta type behavior wins the hearts of women in modern sitcoms and at the movies, particularly productions where the women are often wearing a masculine mask and the men are chasing them, blowing up their phone, gifts too extravagant or too soon, initiating conversations about the relationship. In real life these behaviors turn women off and put you directly into friend zone. Many of the behaviors that pass for romance in television and film today would be considered stalker behavior off the screen
So unless you’re looking to be her therapist, her male girlfriend or emotional lap dog, you’ll need to change that and act like an alpha. The good news is that alpha male characteristics are in your DNA. Deep inside most men are alpha males, so it will feel natural when you begin to act like one. If you need examples just watch any of the James Bond movies, or the Tailor of Panama and all of the film and TV shows prior to 1960.
From a behavior standpoint alphas are always focused on achieving their goals. That means they know what they want, and take actions to get it. It also means that if they fail, they picked themselves up and try again and revisit the goal. They never wallow in self-pity, at least not for long. If they need to do some venting they’ll express it to their male friends, who will be understanding for a little while, then tell them to ‘quit being a pussy and do something about it!” If they’re having a really tough time they get a therapist or a life coach to help them, alphas realize the more highly qualified individuals they have on their team the better the likelihood of them achieving their goals.
Since you’re going to be a busy alpha male from now on; you’re not going to be upset if a girl is not interested in you, it’s her loss. You know that another one is coming along in about 15 minutes, just like a bus line. You’re not going to call or text the girl whose number you got that night or even later that weekend…you already have plans. Call her the following Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday. When you call, you ask when she’s free in the next few days to get together for a drink. When she gives you some choices, you’ll take action and set a time a day and a place to meet. You’ll let her know that you’ll definitely be there at the time and date you say that you’re looking forward to seeing her. You’ll tell her if she gets there first to get a table and if you get there first you will grab one. Don’t allow her to talk you into calling to confirm, that is usually is just a test. You need to let her know that you don’t have time for that nonsense. Like they say in sales, “The phone is for setting appointments, it is not for selling or for chatting.” If she attempts to talk for a long time on the phone, you’ll get her off the phone telling her you’re really busy right now and let her know that you are looking forward to talking to her more about it on your date. If she tries to change the date or gets wishy-washy about her availability than do a take away, just like in sales. Say, “Maybe we should just do it another time if your schedule will not allow you to set a firm day and time right now.” If she wants you to call and confirm, let her know you never call to reconfirm your business or personal appointments. You’re too busy for that, but assure that you do want to see her, that you will do what you say you will do, that you will be there on time and that you’re looking forward to seeing her. If she says yes, she was just testing you and you passed by showing confidence. If she gives you a different day, schedule that. If she says yes another time would be better but doesn’t offer or suggest one. Tell there was great talking to her and get off the phone. Call her back in a week and try to set another date. If she also fails to set a date then don’t call her back. It’s probably an indication of low attraction or that she’s really not free to go out yet. You never know what’s going on in the background. For all you know she is in the process of breaking up with somebody or getting back together with them and just can’t set a date with you now. Regardless of what is going on with her, by you’re not blowing up her phone and leaving it in her court, you have put her in the best position to nurture her level of attraction to you if there is any. The best way to leave it is to say, give me a call if your schedule is up. ‘Remember, it is a scientific fact that women are more attracted to you when they are not sure of your level of attraction. It is the basis of all love stories in those romance novels they read.’ As Corey Wayne often says in his blog and his book How to be a 3% man.
The first date, and really all dates after the first couple months have the same gist, hang out, have fun and hook up. Hang out together somewhere you can talk, have fun with positive fun conversation and maybe some activity that is fun and physical like pool. Something where she gets to do most of the talking and there’s the opportunity for some physical contact that leads to touching, a first kiss, heavy petting and then back to somebody’s place to hook up. After all your job is to create a fun filled experience that could allow for sex to happen.
Most ladies are not going to have sex on the first date. Statistically most women have sex by the second or third date. Of course one or both of you may not want sex before marriage; but that is for you to address.
I like to plan to meet in a quiet place for drinks, if things go well move on to an appetizer or place for dinner, if not in the same place, a place nearby and if it still continues well then move on to somewhere that you’re up and about and touching can naturally happen. The first kiss happens along the way or when you’re date is over and you part. The beauty of this is that if the signs of attraction are not there you end the dating early on rather than after a few dates. Dating can be expensive so you only want to spend money having fun with somebody you actually share mutual attraction with.
Some things to keep in mind on your day. Remember relax, sit back and spread out and let her do 80% of the talking. Ask questions, women are fascinating and the one you’re attracted to even more so. You’re not quizzing her about her resume, instead you’re trying to find out interesting things about her. You might discover something so fascinating about her that both of you end up talking about it all night. You want to appear mysterious, confident, funny and honest. Be funny make her laugh. Give short answers. The more she asks personal questions about you the more she’s interested. Don’t avoid answering her questions as that will make you appear untrustworthy. Avoid talking about past relationships unless you can say something in a positive light that shows them that you consider it a positive experience that you don’t regret.
Though you should not bring up previous relationships yourself, if she asks about your ex-wife your response might be something along the lines of, “I was married to a good gal, and we had two beautiful daughters who are all grown up now. Though we fell out of love and divorced, it was a good thing because both of us can now find someone who can love us the way deserve to be loved.” Remember she intuitively knows the way you talk about your ex is the way you’ll talk about her if she is ever in that position.
The first kiss is very important. Now I don’t want to scare you but research shows for many women their first kiss can be a deal breaker and many women remember all the details decades later. The woman has been giving you lots of signs that she is attracted to you. She has bumped her body into yours or touched your arm, laughed at your dumb jokes. Now you’re wondering if you should kiss her now. The good news is she will show you that she wants to kiss you by looking into your eyes, smiling and then looking at your lips. She’ll look back and forth a couple of times. She may wet her lips with her tongue or she might bite her lower lip. Kiss her! Don’t wait! Go slow but hesitate a bit before you touch very softly, keep going if she doesn’t pull back, long kisses are magical, stop when she pulls back, don’t leave your hands hanging during the kiss, stroke her hair, rub her back, hold her at the small of her back, slowly caress her, but just don’t leave your arms hanging. Never ask a woman if you can kiss her. Romantically this question is the kiss of death. You will go immediately to the friend zone. Never intentionally kiss a woman on the cheek. You may think that it says that you are a gentleman and since this is the first date your being chivalrous. No! For her it says absolutely you’ll never, never be more than a friend. Don’t do it! Speaking of which, if you get to the end of the date, and you have not kissed her already, now is the time.
Kiss her at the end of the date whether at home or at her car. It is the acid test to see if she is attracted enough to you to continue the relationship. If she turns her head and gives you a cheek then it’s over, period. Girls with low self-esteem may continue to date you and also girls who are users may agree to enjoy free drinks and food but it’s a dead end. If she’s not interested she will offer her cheek as a way of telling you without bruising your ego. Note some women that do not follow their heart and mind, but instead uses rules when dating, might offer their cheek on all first dates. You don’t want to continue either way so consider it good news that you have discovered. She just saved you hundreds or thousands of dollars and hours wasted time you could spend finding someone who knocks your socks off and is attracted to you.
A great kiss leaves both of you wanting more. A side note is that a kiss releases a concoction of feel-good hormones in the woman’s brain that feels like a great class of expensive champagne. Tell her you had fun or great time or good time. This is tough but don’t say “I’ll call you” or “Let’s do this again” and don’t ask her out on another date while you’re on this one. All these things will rob her of enjoying the romantic fantasy story she will be thinking deeply about after you part and over the next week. What was good, what was what wasn’t, was he attracted to me, how much was he attracted to me, why didn’t he asked me out again, why hasn’t he called or texted me, is he dating other girls and I wonder if I should I text him? You will put them on this roller coaster of a real life romance novel that she can share and discuss endlessly with her girlfriends. Doing this is quite easy, just act like an alpha male and not a girl and it will work out just fine.
You’re going to give her a call in a week and ask her out again. Remember it’s a fact that her attraction level grows when your feelings are ambiguous for her. You will use the phone because you’re setting a date with a firm location, day and time. That is how a man sets a date because alpha’s find it annoying and inefficient texting back and forth. You will continue to call her once a week and only once a week to set up a date as things are progressing.
Somewhere along the way, possibly very early on, she will start chasing or pursuing you. Now no woman would call it “pursuing’ or “chasing” but that’s exactly what they do. If she calls or texts you for whatever reason, she is intentionally putting herself into your presence so you’ll ask her out again. It doesn’t matter what she says, it could be “I heard this joke and I thought you” or “Oops, I didn’t mean to call you” or anything else. What she is really saying is, ‘Hey look at me I’m here, I’m interested in hanging out, having fun and hooking up, so why don’t you ask me out? I’m putting myself in your orbit…so ask me already? and ‘But hey it’s not my job to tell you how to be a guy, so I hope you just kind of realize I’m not going to ask you out or ask you to ask me out, but I am going to put myself in your presence so you know you can ask me out, because sex has to be your fault, so if you don’t ask me out now, and we just talk, then welcome to friend zone buddy’.
So if she contacts you, ask her out. Ask her when she’s free to get together in the next few days? If she won’t make a date get her off the phone. Don’t be rude, but you are busy and have things to do so make your apologies and you will just ask her contact you when her calendar clears up and she can schedule a date. Also don’t keep talking for 30 minutes to an hour on the phone. Tell her you would love to hear all about it on your date. Otherwise you end up having nothing to talk about on your day you end up becoming boring and predictable or her male girlfriend, therapist or emotional tampon on the phone. Once you’re both in love, usually in 6-8 weeks, in you can spend a little more time chatting on the phone, but still don’t overdo it. It’s definitely a beta behavior and a womanly behavior. Also, it is the woman’s role to control the progress of the relationship. After they feel a level of trust they will let you know if they want a “relationship” and want to become monogamous or intimate. Men should not bring these issues. When men do bring up these issues they are acting like a woman or beta male and it’s a turnoff to women and it scares them. If you do this you will turn her off and scare her, she will become less attracted to you and she will not trust you. Her thought process is if she doesn’t trust you enough to move the relationship to the next level yet, then why would you? It says you don’t even know her. Your job is to plan a fun filled evening where sex could happen…PERIOD!
Notice I said evening because romantic dates that could lead to sex are not lunches, group dates with friends, dates to see a movie, or at loud clubs etc. You need to talk, touch and end up back in bed. With a movie, lunch date or loud club that is just not going to happen.Of course if you had a great conversation at a bar, then more conversation at dinner and you go dancing at a club, then that’s fine because you are touching and you got to talk a lot and had fun. But I would not start the date at a loud club.
There’s another good reason for planning a progressive date that starts off in the bar, then appetizers, then dinner and on later to a club. It can often accelerate the process of being more comfortable with you in building trust sooner. Though it is only your first date, starting off with drinks and appetizers, moving on to a different restaurant for dinner and ending up stopping one or two other places for darts, pool or dancing really doesn’t feel like one date, it feels more like two or three. Remember most women are comfortable enough to have sex on the second or third date and it feels like a second or third date. This is just another advantage of using stopping multiple places as the date progresses.
Getting her home begins with the kiss, before the end of the date, that escalates to heavy petting and touching and your asking if she wants to get out of there and goes to your place for some champagne. If she says no, do not yet upset just continue talking with her and when the petting gets hot and heavy again, ask again. Each time she will get closer and closer to yes. Two steps forward one step back. You must realize two things. Women can’t just say yes because they do not want to risk feeling easy either themselves or in the eyes of their friends. So it absolutely has to be your fault that they end up having sex. Second, women experience fear in a different way than men. We are bigger and could hurt or rape. They need to give you the go-ahead, and then a no, and see you are okay with that, then you can build their level of trust in you and show that you understand how male and female attraction works. No means, I’m not comfortable yet, so stop and let’s talk some more. When she starts leaning in and touching you against a signal that you can touch her again. Pretty soon you’re both back to heavy petting again and she may say yes to going to your place or she might not be ready, go back to talking. Never show frustration or anger. For an alpha male this is all normal, and just like James Bond we realize it’s probably just a matter time before she says yes.
Remember don’t be upset if you have to eventually end the date. James Bond knows it’s going to happen…just maybe not tonight. Again, you’ll call her in a week to set up another date. More likely though, she’ll put herself in your orbit by calling or texting you and you’ll set up another date in a couple of days.
Let’s say she says yes, she follows you to your place and now we want to get her from the couch to the bedroom and making love. It’s the same dance two steps forward and one step back. Talk a while, touch, kiss, heavy petting, if she pulls away, take a break, lean back and talk, more heavy petting, maybe a garment comes off, maybe she puts it back on, who cares, more talking, flirting or petting, another garment comes off and eventually she’s naked or nearly so and you take off whatever you’ve still got left on. You suggest, “Let’s go in the bedroom.” If she doesn’t want to, no problem, just enjoy yourself.
Even if it doesn’t happen tonight, spending several hours making out a beautiful woman naked on your couch is not a bad way to spend an evening! In the next chapter on making love to a woman we will explore some things to consider if she says yes.